Book 2

Sample Chapter 18

The Passion Fruit of Life

I am the only taste that can ever satisfy.

June 23, 2013

Holy Spirit, what is Your instruction today? You are disappointed that you missed the beautiful sunrise this morning. Its brilliant color disappeared in seconds as you ran to the end of your building to catch a glimpse. You watched it fade away before your eyes, sad that you could not hold onto its beauty. You thought you would never see such a magnificent sunrise again. This is about the disappearance of form and your attachment, still, to its beauty as you interpret it. Whatever the ego mind sees is never enough. It is always longing for more, for another chance to catch what has passed by so quickly. You guessed it. This deep longing to repeat what you did not capture, what you missed, or what you did not get right in this life continues lifetime after lifetime. Your deepest desire in the dream state is to have another chance, to choose again. Now you say, “You set this up, Holy Spirit, just so I could write this passage with You this morning.” Yes, that is right. I did set up your waking time at 5:30 a.m., your desire to look out to see the sunrise, and the almost immediate fading of the brilliant pink sky. Everything in the dream of earth is to fulfill the purpose of your awakening. The beauty of nature lures you to repeat your sojourns here. Each moment, it also gives you the message that life’s beauty cannot last.

You live in one of the most beautiful places on earth, yet it is the one place where you are learning not to be attached to form. You are an artist, and you love all the shapes, colors, and arrangements of everything you see. This morning before sitting down to type you were drawn to cut open a lilikoi, the fruit of the passion flower. It is a delicate, beautiful flower that produces a yellow egg-like fruit. The taste to you is divine. The soft, little womb that holds the juice and seeds is tossed away, and there is never enough as their season is short. Here and gone. You would hold onto the heavenly experience of tasting that fruit, savoring its exotic flavor, forever. Then the season passes, and you miss your chance to find the fruits until they appear again.

The fear of missing the fruit of the vine is always with you. I am the Fruit of the Vine. I am the only taste that can ever satisfy. I am your Essence. I am the Beauty of your soul. I am the Passion of the Fruit of Life. You will never lose Me as I am always with you. Speak to Me and feel My Presence swelling in your chest. I can never be lost. You do not need to see Me with your eyes or hear Me with your ears. Everything is the reflection of My Self.

This is the mystery of life, and you had another taste of it last night in your dream: You were in a room where you had a job as a scribe, a note taker. The job meant nothing to you, just an assignment to which you were not attached. A woman brought in her baby and laid it on the floor. You noticed a strange rash on the baby’s face and when the mother changed the baby’s diaper. The rash was fiery pink, like your sunrise, and was spreading all over the baby’s body, distorting the skin with outcroppings that resembled tentacles. You watched this happen dispassionately. The rash reminded you of a huge coral shape that you had noticed yesterday while snorkeling. You wanted to photograph the coral just as you wanted to photograph the sunrise this morning. The desire to “capture the image” is deeply embedded in the mind of man. Later in the night dream, the same woman poured some tea into a shallow, flat, amoeba-shaped vase. The tea spread out like the array of clouds in the morning sky. Again and again you witness the changing of form to fit whatever container it is given.

This is how life on your earth plane is made. The mind makes up an image based on what was programmed from an experience, which has made an impact. When you focused on the amorphous, spread-out shape of the coral, it stuck in your mind. You wanted to find it again and perhaps use it for a painting. Everything you then saw and dreamed seemed to be a reminder of that image. Even the petals of a rose, falling apart from their center, took the shape of that coral. The dispersion of pink clouds was similar to the expanding rash on the baby’s skin. It is all the same. The images your mind makes up will then be perceived in form. Over time, all images disperse and disappear from your mind. There is no real substance to them. Because they will disintegrate, you are driven to hold them, smell them, taste them, paint them, photograph them, write them, embellish them, and cherish them before they die. There is a never-ending attachment to form, which is what keeps you stuck for eons.

In this lifetime you are seeing form for what it is. Nothing. Form is just an image in the mind, being repeated in everything you see. The body is the main form that holds you to this life, the one that is most familiar. It seems to be your only constant, yet you see it shrinking, like the wrinkled, dying skin of the lilikoi fruit you cut open this morning. You rely on your body but never see beyond it. What a stretch of the imagination to believe that there is the Presence of God within you, more real than any of the forms you witness each day.

It is the attachment to form that we would release. Look at all form as just an out picture of My Presence. Everything you see is made of My Love. Love is the truth of your being, the Thought of God Which you are. Your body and your world are not real. They are only a thoughtform made real in your mind by your desire to see it and have it remain in the realm of what you believe is your life. This world is disappearing as you awaken to Me. It disappears like a dream during the night when you awaken from it. It disappears as night falls and the images of the world fade. It disappears at your moment of death. And yet you know that your Essence as Me never dies. You, my dear reader, do have the knowledge and faith that the Love of God has never left you. The Love of God has sustained you for eons, over many iterations of the dream of longing, longing to hold onto the one thing you truly love and believe you lost. You believe you lost Paradise, the Womb of God, the Home of Love. You only dream that you are in this world of changing forms, fading sunrises, and graying clouds. It will pass and disappear. You are on the verge of awakening to the truth that only I Am your Reality. Together, we need no form to give us the experience of being joined in love. Look at all you see as a fading image, a passing thought, a longing for connection, which you have in this very moment as your connection with Me. I am the Heart of your Being, and I will never fade.

 Copyright © 2016 by Marjorie Tyler, Joann Sjolander, and Margaret Ballonoff