Book 8

Sample Chapter 52

Fish Tale

Nothing of this world can ever fill you or feed your soul.

April 27, 2022

I am with you Always. I Am you. We sit as One and nothing else exists. Your mt ego is still consumed with your experience at dinner last night. You were happy when visiting friends asked you to dine with them at a luxury Maui hotel. You knew they wanted to treat you and had the funds and desire to give you whatever you wanted. You ordered fish for $46, which was one of the least expensive items on the menu. A huge white plate came with a tiny square of glazed Mahi in the middle. Your friends received full plates of food after ordering appetizers and a separate salad. You ate your tiny fish over the next two hours in wonderment of how "little" you were given and how much your friends were eating. This morning you realized that you had actually seen the out picture of "the disappearance of the universe" right on your plate. I wanted you to see and feel that. All the money in the world can’t buy Me, and you have had to release all the world to find Me. HS, I love the symbolism of the disappearance, and mt still feels cheated about the lack of food last night. No one seemed to notice that I had nothing while they kept ordering more; even the delicacy of foie gras. The contrast was so striking to me.

I showed you a stark symbol of what you are undergoing in the mind. You are almost at the end, and you still "long for a little more to fill your stomach." That is ok. That is the world and what has motivated every man to stay asleep in the dream. He wants more and sees greener grass in his neighbor’s yard. You have enough and you made do with the little piece of fish. A tiny sliver of cheesecake completed the meal. Nothing of this world can ever fill you or feed your soul. You are alone with Me and I do take care of all your needs. Only I will suffice. 

Mt’s whole life could be seen as nothing more than a lonely dolled-up piece of fish on a giant white plate; lost and alone, nowhere to go after giving up its companions and projections of others. And your ego still screams, "There should have been more! Someone should have noticed and filled my lack." Yes, the memories of the abuse of lifetimes were being recalled right there in the midst of a beautiful Maui restaurant by the ocean. Your life as mt is about gone and no one sees and no one cares. Continue to watch mt with Me, knowing she is just a player, starving in the midst of the wealthy on an island described as paradise. Now you are smiling in recognition. It is all the theater of the absurd, a play, a story coming to its end. Mt is at the vanishing point; just a tiny speck in the middle of the cosmos. 

(Later) HS, when I arrived at Taiji this morning, someone brought homemade sticky rice with coconut milk, mangoes, and sesame seeds, which we ate right away. You supplied me! And this fish message so delights me! Now I feel tears. Why does it touch me this way? You know the truth—that what the world values is literally nothing. It’s like the Emperor's "new clothes," or the false claims of Trump and Putin, which their followers must imbibe as true and worthy of admiration and praise. It clearly pictures the insanity of the world. 

So what are you willing to pay for in this dream life? Actually you pay for every ounce of the dream, every breath of it, with your Real Life in Me. You only lie to yourself when you pay for the products of the world. I am the only one Worthy and I am not of this world. Bypass the ego by not sustaining it, or its false claims, and returning to Me in trust that I will sustain you with everything you need. For Jo, it's the right flooring; for Meera, the right house; for mt, a bigger fish. And yes, the Greek word/symbol for Jesus is fish. I am All and Everything.

Copyright © 2020 by Marjorie Tyler, Joann Sjolander, and Margaret Ballonoff